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Reducing Cost

Keeping in mind that employee transportation requires heavy lifting and is a major cost center for the companies, it is time that even corporate transport management implements AI to stay ahead in the game.

Bringing Innovation

In the era of digital transformation, embracing continuous improvement and innovation is crucial for staying ahead in the competitive landscape. Artificial Intelligence helps in advancing capabilities of understanding, planning and communicating effectively & efficiently.

Transforming Operations

By harnessing the power of Zooper’s AI-backed technology, companies can revolutionize employee and business commute operations, delivering enhanced efficiency, cost savings, and an exceptional employee experience.

Zooper has developed two proprietary AI-based algorithms that run on the base principle of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Route-Optimization & Employee Clubbing Algorithm

Our algorithm focuses on delivering the shortest routes for thousands of users travelling in each shift and broken down into smaller groups of cabs (also called clubbing of employees).

The core purpose of this algorithm is to get the least number of total kilometers being driven by all cabs put together in each shift and have the lowest average time of travel being delivered to each employee.

Nearest Driver Prediction for future rides

This algorithm works to identify the closest driver that could be available for any given ride in future at an employee’s pick-up location. Through this Zooper is able to reduce dry/empty runs of cabs by upto 80%, helping save cost, time and carbon emission for the company.

With this algorithm, the drivers are more productive and are not over-worked. It also increases operational efficiencies for the service provider and reduces traffic on the streets.